" I am a full time mum and am always looking for activities which provide the opportunity for Thilo to be with other children and which help him develop his skills. Bizzy Bee Signing classes fit this objective perfectly. The fact that Thilo started..."
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Tristan, 12 months (1)
Tristan signing 'up', 'cracker' and 'eat'. Crackers were Tristan's first favourite snack and he learned the sign quickly, realising that it would...
Tristan, 12 months (2)
Tristan signing 'taking a bath', 'eat' and 'drink' while he is looking at one of his signing booklets.
Tristan, 13 months
Tristan signing 'brushing teeth', 'brushing hair', 'taking a bath' and 'down'.
Meal time signs
Tristan signing 'eat', 'more', 'all done', 'cracker', 'yoghurt', 'bread', 'down' and more.
People signs
Tristan signing 'mummy', 'daddy', 'grandma', 'grandad', 'brother', 'sister', 'uncle', 'aunt' and 'baby'.
ABC song
Watch Tristan singing the alphabet song. He has been learning his ABC at Bizzy Bee Signing classes since he was 14 months old. Watching us sing and...
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